Black Student Excellence is a space for Black parents to engage on topics that impact Black students. The goal is to discuss and promote initiatives, resources, and programs that support Black student achievement.
On February 8, 2022, the Los Angeles Unified Board of Education unanimously passed Board Member Tanya Ortiz-Franklin’s resolution, “Black Student Excellence through Educator Diversity, Preparation, and Retention.” The resolution calls on the District to diversify, prepare, and retain its educator workforce, emphasizing Black leaders, administrators, and teachers.
This resolution paved the way for the Center to build the Black Student Excellence parent group to support the resolution and uplift their voice in advocacy efforts.
To build on this, the Center has created the Black Student Excellence Facebook Live Series.
Most recently Black Student Excellence parents participated in AB 2774 advocacy. AB 2774 would have provided $400 million in additional funding to raise the academic achievement of Black students in California. Parents shared their support for the bill through pictures, social media, and petition signatures. However, the bill did not make to the Governor’s desk, but parents have expressed their desire to be part of efforts to ensure that Black students are priority in the January 2023 budget conversations.
# TakeActionNow